Disciplinary Rules

Disciplinary Rules

Time for the students of Class I to Class XII and Time for the K.G. Section Students are stipulated separately. Parents may refer to the timely circulars of the school for verification. The school gate will be opened for entry just fifteen minutes before the respective school hours. Students have their entry only through the main gate. Late coming students may not be allowed to enter the school campus. School will not have responsibility on students in the school campus before or after the school hours.

All the students must be in their respective classes at the stroke of the first bell.

General assembly is compulsory for all. A passage from the Holy Scriptures will be read in the assembly. There will be P.T. and parade during the general assembly on Saturdays.

Students have entry to the school campus only in their school uniform. Students may be permitted to be in the school campus (except in the working hours of the school) for  remedial classes/additional classes, sports and games, or other co-curricular activities (other than which are mentioned in school time table) under the guidance of a staff member of the school.

Student's Identity Card is  must in the school campus.

Students must be punctual and regular in attendance.

Students must be attentive in the classes and they are expected to study the lessons taught and do the home work assigned regularly.

Students have to use English as a medium of conversation/communication in the school campus.

All the students must bring their lunch with them. Nobody is allowed to leave the school campus for lunch.

Damage done to the properties of the school, or of any student or of self will be fined. Any damage done will have to be repaired or restored at the expense of the student.

Students must be responsible for the safe custody of their books and other belongings. Each article must be marked with their names. The school does not owe responsibility for the loss of books, pens, money, ornaments etc. Students shall not wear costly ornaments in the school; or may not bring money and other valuable articles to the school.

Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience, disrespect to any rule of the school written in the prospectus/ diary or issued by responsible persons of the school from time to time, disrespect to any staff member, disrespect to any of the parents of the students in the school campus, writing or speaking bad words, injury to the good reputation of the school are sufficient reasons for dismissal of a student.

80% attendance is necessary for a student for the promotion to the next class.

Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is strictly prohibited.

Students must enter or leave the class rooms silently; students are strictly prohibited to use things like 'pan-parag', 'supari', chewing gum etc. which are injurious to health.

Students shall stay in the class rooms during games and recess only with prior permission from principal.

Students shall give special attention to personal cleanliness. They shall wear clean, neatly pressed dress, and well-polished shoes. Their finger nails must be pared and hair shall be combed.

Students should keep their class rooms and school premises clean and tidy.

Any article found in the school premises whose owner is not known should be handed over to the principal.

The student who fails twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue studies in the school.

In view of own and other's safety, students/parents are not allowed to drive vehicles in the school   campus.

Students shall drive vehicles if, they own a valid driving license.

On their way to or from the school, students shall behave, well remembering that the school is judged by their conduct. They shall greet their teachers and staff of the school even when they meet them outside the school. Students shall give special attention to politeness and courtesy.

Any Book other than textbooks or library books is to be brought to the school if the principal permits.

Mobile Phones are strictly prohibited in the school campus.

Electronic items (Camera, CD player, ipod, Walkman, palmtops, other mini computers.) are to be brought to the school if principal permits.

Holidays will be declared according to the directives of the authorities.

Students directly or through their parents shall not seek the help in the form of tuition or in the form of extra coaching from the staff members of this school, by paying an extra amount of fees.

Students are not supposed to give gifts to teachers.

Students are not allowed to collect money, sell tickets, and distribute notices in the school campus.

Any campus politics, election, student union, is strictly prohibited inside the school campus. The school leaders and office bearers will be appointed by the principal based on the merit.

Long tours or picnics for students are not entertained by the school. One day picnic (12 hours) may be arranged, if the students are ready to meet the expenses. Principal may condone this time limit and may grant another 12 more hours (maximum) when he/she finds that a particular batch of students are exceptionally good in their studies and in their discipline.

Parents/Guardians also are requested to express reverence to the staff members and respect to the rules and regulations suggested by the school, so that their children may be inspired to emulate their parents' behavior.

The following acts by students will constitute a major offence against discipline: 

  • Giving false information or production of false certificate.
  • Bringing explosives and weapons to the school compound.
  • Bringing undesirable outsiders to the school compound.
  • Planning or organizing any kind of strikes, hartal, picketing or commotion.
  • Taking part in unconstitutional political activities.
  • Violating the religious integrity of the institution.
  • Quarreling and inflicting serious injuries to other students.
  • Smocking or use of drugs or any intoxicant. 
  • Stealing of any valuable articles of the institution,teachers or of other students.
  • Misbehavior in word or deed of the parents/guardians or along with any other persons with school authorities and staff. 
  • Any act that is an offence punishable under the Indian Penal Code or punishable under any Special law.
  • Acts against public sanitation or any act of unhygienic habits.
  • Bringing in an outsider and presenting him as one's parent and thus deceiving the Principal of the  school.
  • Acts calculated to cause public nuisance, public disturbance, communal troubles or breach of public peace.
  • Holding any meeting of a political nature in the school premises and exhibition of any political party emblem, installation of any religious symbols, and statues in the school campus. 
  • Any act that comes under the title of Cyber Crime.
  • Any violation of the existing Examination rules of the school.

All previous rules issued by the school and all agreements between the school and the parents of the students contrary (if any) to the present rules are hereby remain cancelled.